Thursday, January 22, 2009


I'm just going to delve right into this....

I LOVE watching the extra features on a movie. The bloopers. the making of, the commentaries...ect. I think from my point of view it's like taking an acting class. Each special feature has something for me to learn from. The bloopers show me how to fix a mistake and improvise - even if the improvisations are crap they can get you somewhere you didn't think of before. And hearing the actors say things about each other you realize that there is this brilliance that an actor has and it is so inspiring. And then you think "oh this actor added this humanity to this terrible character", that is something to keep in mind.

I have this longing to work with all these different people. Some of them from my perspective are just amazing and some are just so so - but I feel like everyone has something special to offer and you can learn that and take it with you. That is another reason I love acting - it's such a learning experience in itself. It's like - the people you meet are just so amazing. I never forget the people I've worked with because of that little something they brought out.

And it's so wonderful - the feeling that acting gives you. For how ever long it's OK to be someone else. And it's not necessarily that you want to be someone else, but it's that you can take things from your character too. Just everything about acting is such a learning experience for me. I have learned things from characters I've played; who I am, who I want to be, and who I don't want to be. And isn't it amazing how you can just become someone else? And make people believe that you ARE that person. I LOVE watching an actor on stage who has forgotten a line or something has happened that is not right and they just role with it. And NEVER break character. They just know what that character would say or do.

There is just so much passion is this art and it blows me away every time I think about it.

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