Saturday, June 28, 2008

Yet another...

This one I wrote in September of 2007 and edited after watching Oprah - :) - recently.

***EDIT*** the answer to my question is this - don't fear just do...

Did you ever have a dream that you always knew would come true. You have no idea how you will get there but you just KNOW that you will somehow. It's like this has been your dream your whole entire life. You don't even remember dreaming of anything else. It is not who you are, but it is a HUGE PART of WHO YOU ARE...

How could you even think of being something else - it would rip such a big part of yourself away. Could you even truly be yourself?

So here is a question - what if you get scared that everything you have ever known would happened won't happen. Do you do everything in your power to make it possible or do you move on and secure your life.

I have a hard time thinking that I would move on. Although it is the reasonable answer is it really the best answer? Because how could you be happy knowing that you just didn't give it your all? That you barely tried...but how - how do you try when the dream seems so out of reach?

I guess that is where you have to KNOW that somehow you will get there..take every opportunity and shine. One life..I promise myslef that I will get there...I will

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